Juicy competition

Man selling fresh juice at the Night Market in Siem Reap (Cambodia) - ShopkeeperStories.com

Night after night, a familiar sight unfolds on the bustling street corner. The vendor’s cart takes centre stage, drawing a lively crowd. They call out the names of their fruit juice – watermelon! mango and orange! avocado! He gives a nod to confirm that he’s heard the request, and whips up the juice on the spot in a blender.

One night, I noticed another enthusiastic young lad parked his cart right next to him, offering the exact. same. selection. of juices.

Naturally, the crowd split between both vendors, so that they could get their juice faster.

Jokingly, I remarked: “Now you have competition!”

He laughed and looked warmly at the other vendor. “No competition. Friends!”

Shopkeeper Stories is a photographic documentary of small business owners and their trades around the world, sharing their tips and insights. You can connect with the community on Instagram and Facebook @ShopkeeperStories

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